Fees and rates for Community Artists/Arts Educators

October 26, 2017


While writing a Community Art/Arts Education grant for the OAC, I came across the question: “How did you determine and estimate expenses including artist fees? Use arts service organizations or artist union rates, as applicable.”

Buuuuut, community art doesn’t really have an artist union/service organization with formal rates. So I decided to ask around and find out what other artists working in communities/schools are charging to come up with a rough industry standard.

I polled 12 different organizations, unions, companies, arts service organizations and individual arts educators (with a range of experience and formal education), ensuring their anonymity.

These are the rates I uncovered. I hope they can function as a guideline to help others determine their working rates.

Note: most fees include prep/planning time, but don’t include materials.

Hour-long rate
Range: $35-275/hour
Median: $80/h
Average: $116/h

Hour-and-a-half rate
Range: $75-350
Median: $200
Average: $203

Half-day rate
Range: $90-800/hour
Median: $304
Average: $428

Day rate
Range: $200-1,000/hour
Median: $500
Average: $578

Weekly rate
Range: $700-5,000/hour
Median: $1,500/h
Average: $1,993/h

Let me know if you have any questions/ideas/additions!
