The David Suzuki Foundation: Love letters to nature

This spring, I had the great honour of partnering with the David Suzuki Foundation for their 30×30 Nature Challenge where we asked people to write love letters to nature.
We kicked off the month with a public event, and ever since then, I’ve been floored by the response. I’d scroll through Instagram and Twitter daily (using: #30x30challenge and #lovenature) and revel in the beauty of the natural world and in how and where people spent their 30 minutes/day in nature. It was so wonderful.
And I wasn’t the only one thrilled by this challenge to spend more time outside:
- 68 countries took part
- Nearly 13,000 individuals registered
- 821 schools registered (think of how many students that is!!)
- 463 workplaces registered.
That is a whole lot of people spending time in the natural world, thinking and reflecting on what it means to them, and how it changes and shapes who they are.
Here are the winning love letters from May’s challenge! And the most wonderful love letter to nature from an elder in Vancouver!
More about the collaboration here!