An ARC of “Letters to Amelia”

June 23, 2021

Author Lindsay Zier-Vogel, white woman with large dark sunglasses holding up a yellow book with a red paper airplane with the title Letters to Amelia

I held “Letters to Amelia” in my own hands this week. My book! It is actually my dream come true, this book, with my name on the cover. It has a spine! A cover! And 282 perfect pages!

It’s the advanced reading copy, not the final book, but I sent in proofing notes late last week and it is on its way to being the book that YOU can hold in YOUR hands. It’s all just so exciting.

You can put a pre-order for “Letters to Amelia” now! You can buy it straight from my publisher here OR from your fav local indie! It’s also up at Indigo and Amazon, and even in the States! It’s out Sept. 7th!